Al-Quran baru buatan amerika, berbahaya dan sedang didistribusikan di Kuwait, berjudul "al-Furqaanu al-Haqqu/The True Furqan" isinya bertentangan sekali. Judul lain buku ini 'The 21st Century Quran'! berisi lebih dari 366 halaman baik bahasa Arab dan Inggris, sekarang kabarnya didistribusikan kepada anak2/generasi muda di Kuwait di sekolah-sekolah berbahasa Inggris disana. Bukunya sendiri memuat 77 surah, termasuk Alfatihah, Al-Jana and Al-Injil. Dibuat oleh 2
perusahaan percetakan "Omega 2001" dan "Wine Press".
Introduction dari situsnya adalah sebagai berikut:
Arabic and English side-by-side on every page. Prose and poetry of the highest caliber in classical Arabic with English interpretation. It contains 77 surats (chapters) dealing with as many subjects which are beautifully written and easily understood. Love, Light, Peace, Truth, Repentance, Women, Marriage, Fasting, Prayer, Abrogation, The Sacrifice, Inspiration, Paradise, The Scale and The Excellent Names are some of the chapters written in the unique style of the Quran.
To the Arab nation specifically and the Muslim world collectively; peace, mercy and blessings from God Almighty! Deep within every human spirit is a longing for authentic faith, inner peace, spiritual freedom and eternal life. We trust the living God that these longings can be clarified in the new document, The True Furqan. The Creator of humanity offers these blessings to everyone in the world without discrimination to one's race, color, nationality, language or religion. The Almighty God cares about every human soul on this planet.
Inspired by Al Saffee
Interpreted by Al Mahdy
Kalau pengen lihat betapa bejatnya mereka mengubah isi al-Quran, lihat dua screenshot berikut:
Surat di samping merupakan surat "al-Basmalah", atau The Blessing. Isinya adalah sebagai berikut:
- Say, "In the Name of Father, the Word, the Holy Spirit, the One and only True God."
- He is Triune in Unity, united in Trinity, indivisible as deity.
- He is the Father, Who has never given birth like the race of humanity.
- He is the Word, who has never been born except through virginity.
- He is the Spirit, who has never been separated from the Trinity.
- He is the Creator, who has never been created by any.
Whew... Ajaran trinitas pada surah pertama... Ini sama saja dengan mengajarkan Injil (ajaran biblikal) dengan Bahasa Arab saja.
Screenshot kedua:
- In the Name of Father, the Word, the Holy Spirit, the One and only True God.
- Behold, this is the authentic True Furqan which We inspire, declare it to whomever has gone astray from among Our people and do not fear anyone who may retaliate against this proclamation.
- It is a victorious True Furqan, which shall bring to naught the sword of injustice, blazing a straight path for those who repent from having gone astray.
- Moreover, the True Furqan will completely demolish the weak structure of unfaithfulness with the rightous hand of...
How do you think.....?
P.S. Kalau mau lihat detail lebih lengkapnya, lihat saja di situs ini.
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